Shipping & Returns

Shipping Information

We charge the Royal Mail or courier service price. It generally takes between 1 and 3 business days from the time your order is placed for the order to be processed, packed, and ready for shipping.

PRE-Order Items will ship on the date shown in the item title along with any other items placed in the same order. It is the customer's resposibility to ensure their address is current and correct.


Sadly, sometimes the delivery service is not as careful as we would like and items can arrive damaged.

If you receive an item that is damaged, please use the following steps to assure that you receive an undamaged replacement piece.

  1. Do NOT throw the item away.
  2. Photograph the damaged piece(s)
  3. Email the photo to

We will contact you and replace the damaged piece(s) and decide if we need to file a claim with the Royal Mail or courier service. Please contact if you need to return an item.

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